WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Local Plan Working Group 12/08/04: APPROVED MINUTES LOCAL PLAN WORKING GROUP APPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON Thursday 12th August 2004 at 3.00pm. in Logie Coldstone Village Hall, Aberdeenshire. PRESENT: Peter Argyle CNPA Board Sue Walker CNPA Board Norman Brockie CNPA Board Gavin Miles CNPA Board Laura Robertson Aberdeenshire Council Development Planning Gillian Buchanan Aberdeenshire Council Community Planning Bill Rowell Association of Cairngorms Community Councils David Bale SNH AGENDA: 1. N.Brockie welcomed those present and offered introductions. APOLOGIES: 2. N.Brockie offered apologies for: Maggie Bochel & Andrew Brown, Highland Council; Martin Wanless, Moray Council; Jim Mackay & Nicola Abrams, SEPA; Bruce Luffman/ Duncan Bryden/ Basil Dunlop and Dougie Glass ~ CNPA Board, Fiona Munro, CNPA/Housing; Anna Barton & Jean Henretty ~ Local Plan Coordinators, Miff Tuck, SRPBA; Duncan McKellar, Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: 3. Were approved. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES: 4. Items 7&8: N.Brockie noted that the Scottish Executive Development Department (Planning) had confirmed that the Local Plan could be developed, in tandem with the Park Plan, as far as the Finalised Draft Deposit; it would have to remain at this stage, however, until the Park Plan was approved by the Scottish Executive and adopted by the CNPA Board (following which the Local Plan could be amended in line with any changes to the Park Plan, then adopted by the Board). This keeps us in line with our legal and statutory requirements, while also allowing us to get a working-draft of the Local Plan in place as soon as possible. 5. Item 9: N.Brockie noted that the Scottish Executive had also confirmed that the Park Plan would supercede existing structure plans within the Park area when adopted, and that the CNP Local Plan would have to justify any variance from existing structure plans until that time. The developing CNP Local Plan, as the most up-to-date document, would also be given considerable weight at appeals, particularly as the existing structure plans were all written prior to the formation of the CNP and its aims. 6. Item 23: landscape Issues, N.Brockie noted that a decision had been taken by the CNPA to appoint a specialised member of staff to deal with ‘landscape’ issues, and that monies had been approved to fund the settlement landscape capacity studies for the Local Plan. It was noted that SNH could give advice on both these issues. PRESENTATION BY Gillian Buchanan on ABERDEENSHIRE’S COMMUNITY PLAN. (handout attached).not available in text format. 7. Gillian gave an overview of the whole process, which has been evolving since 1999 and was part of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003. The Act put a duty on Councils to engage with the community in formulating the plan, and to develop a process whereby all the service providers work together to provide coordinated delivery; the Act also put a duty on key public sector bodies to engage in the process. 8. The Community Plan (CP) has a vision, "working together for the best quality of life for everyone in Aberdeenshire"; and six principles: inclusion, communication, participation, accountability, evidence-based, and partnership. The CP also has four themes: community well-being, learning, a sustainable environment, and jobs & the economy. 9. There are 8 organisations in the CP partnership: Aberdeenshire Council, Communities Scotland, Grampian Fire Service, Grampian Police, NHS Grampian, SEG, SNH and Scottish Water. (Scottish Water are withdrawing). The partnership is a steering group which meets quarterly, below which there is a level of officer-led working groups and below that another level of ‘partner’ groups. This tiered structure can be problematic in that it’s a lengthy process for decision-making and consultation, and there were no community voluntary groups on the upper structure. 10. The existing Community Plan was now out of date and under review; some of the aims for the new Plan are to: speed up the process, forge links to other partnerships, and encourage better links between the voluntary and community sectors. The issue of how to successfully consult and engage with communities was raised as a problem, specifically with youth groups/the elderly/ethnic minorities; local Rural Partnerships and Citizens Panels were two mechanisms which would be used to target these groups. 11. The effectiveness of the existing Community Plan was queried: was it just passing-on info?, was the ‘top-down’ approach detrimental to the process, is the philosophy correct?, how can it engage better? ~ all issues for the Plan review to tackle. 12. N.Brockie noted that the Scottish Executive was keen to see a closer partnership between Local Planning and Community Planning, and certainly the plans share common principles and visions. Now is certainly the ideal time for the CNP Local Plan to develop closer links with all 4 constituent local authority Community Plans. COMMUNITY LIAISON CO-ORDINATORS’ REPORT. (full written reports were also provided, covering all their Community Council areas); additionally: 13. N.Brockie noted that Anna and Jean were respectively attending Grantown and Ballater Shows instead of attending today’s meeting, ‘manning’ the respective CNPA tents. 14. Both were making good progress in developing community links and enlisting volunteers; Anna had finally managed to establish contact with Aviemore Community Council, and Jean was still trying to establish contacts for the Angus Glens. UPDATE ON QUESTIONNAIRE & COMMUNITY PROFILE. 15. N.Brockie noted that the questionnaire and profiles were currently with a graphic designer prior to going to the printers; delivery was programmed for the week commencing 6th September 2004. ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL MEMBERS FOR GROUP. 16. No new members were proposed, but links to the 4 constituent local authority Community Planning teams would be developed. ANY OTHER BUSINESS. 17. N.Brockie noted that Alan Simpson would be coming to a future meeting to discuss the Highland Council Community Plan. 18. Concern was noted over a forthcoming CNPA Board Paper which implied that the LPWG was being dis-banded; N.Brockie assured the Group that it would be continuing as a vital means of bringing together the main external stakeholders as the Plan develops, and that Board Members would hopefully be free to continue on the Group. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 19. The next meetings were arranged for Thursday 9th September in Cromdale (near Grantown-on-Spey) at 3.00pm, venue to be confirmed. 20. The meeting closed at 5.00pm.